Our mission
We want myFertileDays to be woman-friendly place for every woman and her partner, where they will able to find accurate, complete and scientifically validated information about the natural signs of fertility, opportunities to strengthen the fertility when problems with conceiving a child occur and about every possibilities and methods to preserve woman’s fertility and health even if she wants to postpone pregnancy to a later time.
We believe that awareness of your own body and the ability to recognize the natural signs of fertility, changing during the menstrual cycle, will help each woman to avoid unnecessary, chemical interference with the sensitive mechanism of fertility and to protect her health and the new life from the harmful effects of such interference.
The sources we use
All information presented on the site are based on the scientific work of recognized and well-known authorities in the field of natural methods of fertility recognition:
- prof. dr med. Josef Rötzer „The art of family planning”, wyd. Vacatio, Warszawa 2005r.
- prof. dr med. Josef Rötzer „Me and my menstrual cycle”, wyd. INER, Warszawa 2007r.
- John i Sheila Kippley „The art of natural family planning”, wyd. Liga Małżeństwo Małżeństwu 2002r.
- dr med. Thomas W. Hilgers „The Naprotechnology Revolution”, wyd. Beaufort Books, New York 2010.
- lek. Med. Elżbieta Siwiak „Around women’s fertility”, Zeszyty Naukowe INER, nr 3/2005, Warszawa.
- prof. dr hab. Hieronim Bartel “Embriology”, wydawnictwo lekarskie PZWL, wyd.4, Warszawa 2010r.
- M.D. Marilyn M. Shannon “Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition”, CCL International, Inc.,Cincinnati, Ohio 2009.
Websites related to the theme of natural methods of fertility recognition:
- Instytut Naturalnego Planowania Rodziny wg prof. J. Rötzera www.iner.pl
- Światowa Organizacja Metody Owulacyjnej Billingsa www.woomb.org
- Liga Małżeństwo Małżeństwu www.npr.pl
- Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli NPR www.npr.csc.pl
- Fertility Care System – Creighton Model www.creightonmodel.com